Cleaning surfaces plays an important role in the prevention of disease transmission through contact infection – especially where people regularly congregate. In order to protect the user, he should always be vigilant about personal protective equipment and wear gloves. The key point with surface cleaning is that cleaning textiles are changed frequently enough and not put back into the cleaning fleet.
With the change cloth method, for example, a fresh cloth is used for each new object within an area to be cleaned, whether it is a toilet, office or room. This provides effective protection against carryover. The 16-side method originally stems from the healthcare sector and is used with ready-to-use cleaning agents. The cleaning cloth is folded in half four times so that there are a total of 16 sides. Each surface can be wiped with a fresh side wet with cleaning agent – when each side is used, the cloth is discarded and a new one is used.
If contaminated surfaces should be chemically disinfected, there are disinfectants and disinfectant cleaners, which, depending on the version, can have a virucidal effect against enveloped viruses such as the coronavirus. In the case of heavy contamination the surface must be cleaned first. After the drying time the disinfectant is mixed with tap water according to the defined ratio.
The solution must be applied to the entire surface and allowed to take effect. Then the surface is rinsed with fresh water, in the food processing industry with drinking water. If the surface is slightly dirty, disinfectant cleaners can be used, which clean and disinfect in one step.
Source: European Journal of Cleaning